Wednesday, May 30, 2012

If Facebook Releases A “Facebook Phone,” Will You Buy It?

Say what you want about Facebook. I still love it. Despite all the complaints that I could have about the social networking site—I hate the timeline, I hate that so many people use it to air out their grievances, I hate that 80 percent of my “friends” on there are people I’d avoid at all costs if I ever saw them out in the “real world”—I routinely shove all of them to the side whenever I hear someone else bashing Facebook. Regardless of whether you love it or hate, it’s impossible for me to think that you don’t see some value in it. These days, Facebook is a one-stop-shop for everything. Keeping up with friends and family? You got it. Finding a new job? Give it a try. Checking out your hot neighbor? It does that, too. I’ve had Facebook for about seven or eight years now and I’m still amazed by it every time I sign on. With all of that in mind, I have to admit something: There is absolutely no way in hell that I’d ever buy aFacebook phone. Yet, according to a recent story in the New York Times, there is a smart phone that is being created and produced by Facebook that will hit stores sometime in the near future. The Timespiece is incredibly vague when it came to actual details—we basically know nothing about the actual phone—but it’s clear that the Facebook phone, which was first rumored to be coming out about two years ago, is in fact coming. And, I’m not excited about it in the least. Why? Well, for starters, I’m already on Facebook enough as it is. I check it at least a dozen times every day and I’m consumed by new messages, alerts, and my always-updating feed. Secondly, I like the way I consume Facebook now and don’t feel that I need to devote my entire phone to looking at and doing whatever it is Facebook wants me to look at and do. And, lastly, these phones that are designed by specific companies almost never do well. It sounds like Facebook is teaming up with HTC for their phone, which is a good sign. But, still: It’s hard to get too excited about a Facebook phone that will probably end up being like most of the other smart phones out there. Maybe I’ll get excited about it once I hear specifically what Facebook is doing to make their phone different. But, for now…no. I’ll stick with myiPhone. What about you? Are you looking forward to the Facebook phone? Or, do you plan on sticking with your trust iPhone or Android-enabled smart phone? Hit the comments section and let us know. wholesale accessories,ipad accessories,ipod accessories,iphone accessories

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